The practice of golf among the Spanish population is becoming more frequent. Far is the idea of elitist sport and a minority. There are more and more golf courses, the material is sold at competitive prices and the rates are affordable to most pockets. The Spanish golf has overcome the barrier of 335,000 federated, being the community of Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia the most federated practitioners contribute and leading the number of official golf courses that, throughout the national territory, exceed 400. The annual increase, in the number of federated players, is around 7%, only surpassed by sports such as football, hunting and basketball which, if the current trend is maintained, will soon be displaced from the third place by golf in number of practitioners and in federated athletes.
Like any highly technical sports activity, golf is not exempt from causing specific injuries; they are the so-called technopathies, although from the outside, golf seems like a relaxed, calm game with little physical demand
Logically golf technopathies revolve around the use of the stick with which we hit the ball with precision. The way in which we hold the golf club, its length and even its composition, can condition a series of problems. It is a very technical sport that requires a prior teaching by a teacher so that the possible errors related to their practice are corrected that prevent us from progressing or predispose us to suffer injuries.
Some golf injuries are favored because the player does not practice other complementary sports that improve their physical condition. Muscle toning, warm-up and stretching should not be underestimated because golf is a full-fledged sport practiced by many people of all social and economic levels, not just a pastime for privileged or retired classes.
From a general point of view the most frequent injuries associated with the practice of golf are:
• Fibrillary tears
• Tendinitis in the wrist and hand (carpal tunnel syndrome)
• Golfer's elbow or epicondylitis
• Tendinitis in the shoulder
• Cervical and lumbago
• Tendinitis in the Achilles heel
• Herniated discs
• Knee injuries (meniscus)
Tips to prevent injuries in golf
The majority of injuries are due to lack of warm-up, poor performance or when the person's abilities are exceeded.
1. Do a routine, before and after the game, of stretching exercises and flexibility.
2. Perfect your technique. The more abrupt the blows, the more chances there are that the joints suffer especially. Getting a good technique and having a good instructor are key pieces of injury prevention in golf.
3. Try to stay hydrated. A good hydration facilitates the arrival of blood with oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
4. Take care of your physical form. The better your general fitness is, the better your performance will be with the clubs.
The places most likely to suffer injury for men are:
Lumbar - 36%
Elbows - 32.5%
Hands and Dolls - 21.2%
Shoulders - 11%
Women are already more frequent in:
Elbows - 35.5%
Lumbar - 27.4%
Shoulders - 16.1%
Hands and Dolls - 14.5%
The injuries that occur in amateurs are due to the excessive use of the musculature, hits to the ground with the club, and a wrong mechanics of the swing.
Professional golfers tend to have fewer injuries, but when they occur they are:
Hands and Dolls: 29.6% Men - 44.8% Women
Lumbar: 25% Men - 22.4% Women
Shoulders: 11.4% Men - 7.5% Women
Elbows: 7.3% Men - 6% Women
So take it easy and enjoy it!